Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Gunnar is on the Butter Diet

Yesterday Gunnar had his 18 month check up. He was weighed and measured. He weighs 22.6lbs (15th percentile) and is 33 inches tall (25th percentile). He is still gaining weight and moving up the charts at a great curve but I thought that I would ask the doctor about it. He said that he very rarely recommends this diet but will in this case...the butter diet. Yes, that means sticking pads of butter on everything that you can put it on, plus peanut butter, cheese, anything with a lot of calories. Gunnar is incredibly active and is burning off more calories than he can take in. Nobody is worried at all by this because he eats well. It is just that he moves so much. This whole thing made me laugh because just that morning, Jeff put butter on an english muffin for him and was worried that it was too much. We just thought that his butter diet is just too funny.

2 clever remarks:

Jenn said...

That makes me laugh!!! I have never heard of the butter diet. He must be one active little boy!!! What a cutie.

Anonymous said...

sounds like gunnar is on the same diet i put myself on when i was younger.
from auntie mindy