Monday, November 24, 2008

Bulbs, Bulbs Everywhere

Gunnar and I were at Walmart last week and happened upon a spring bulb markdown. Bags of 12 tulips and daffodils that are normally $4-5 were marked down to a clearance price of $.25/bag! How could I resist. Every fall I tell myself that I want to plant bulbs. Every year I look at the price and can't bring myself to do it. Every year I justify my actions by saying to myself that I need to see what comes up in the spring (usually not much-I always forget what I have). Every year I also think it is too cold to go outside. I bought nine bags and will split them with my sister. Last Friday it was a super nice day, so we headed out to dig. It was NOT fun. Gunnar would take the top dirt from the hole that I just filled in and move it or throw it against the house. I have all of these little pit marks all over in the flower bed. We had to end our planting session early because of night time and still have lots to plant. As I am writing, I am looking out the window at a foggy day with misty type rain and coldness. I may have lost my opportunity to plant the rest. Uuugh!Regardless what he does, though, he still makes me laugh!Side note though: When I was checking out at Walmart with my finds, a friend at church named Kyla pulls in behind me. I tell her about the bulbs and the screamin' deal. She tells me that maybe she will go back later. I told her that they probably won't be there the next time (they really were selling fast). She decided to leave her cart in line behind me and go check them out. It was the funniest thing. She came running back with a HUGE armful of bags. She had so many! It cracked me up. She intends to share them with her mom. I wonder how her planting is coming along. At $.25/bag you can't feel bad if a few don't make it to dirt.

2 clever remarks:

Amber H. said...

How fun is that?!! You can't pass up a good deal, especially something that was once expensive only being a quarter! I can't wait to see your pictures in the spring! And it sounds like next time you should plant them during nap time ;o)

Anonymous said...

I need to get my bulbs! I am so excited to plant something at my own house! Gunnar is so funny!