So because I feel like being in the holiday spirit and I love these so much...I thought that I would giveaway one of our awesome
I love these! We have two in Santa Cecelia that I use everyday. That is not even an exaggeration. The tropical brown color is gorgeous! It is such a popular color and can go with almost any decor. The trivets have felt feet on the bottom to prevent scratching but it also lifts the trivet off of the table/counter. A simple wipe off keeps them clean.
To be eligible for my giveaway, you need to answer one simple question in the comments section:
What is your favorite Christmas decoration and why?

The giveway ends Monday morning, December 15th when the winner is announced using a random number generator.
12 clever remarks:
I've been eying your trivets for a while now! Tiles always look so classy. Derek would tile our entire house if he were able to!
I totally forgot to put my favorite Christmas decoration! Scatterbrained much?
Hmm, it's probably my Willow Tree nativity. It was a gift from my Mom and Dad. I like it because it's simple, not flashy and doesn't clash with my style of decorating.
I love your advent calendar...so awesome. I don't really have a favorite Christmas decoration. I'm still waiting to afford a beautiful nativity. I think the one made out of blocks that my son's nursery teacher gave him several years ago might be my favorite thing so far. I try to collect something new each year.
My favorite Christmas decorations are the Santa Claus dolls that my Mother made for me. Most of them she made herself. She has sculpted the heads and sewn the clothes on one of them. And on three others she has crafted the body and sewn the clothes. She takes great care in making them. To me they show her talent but more than that, they show me her willingness to spend her time making something for me that I would like. I now have a fantastic Santa collection that I will always be able to display and tell others about the love and time that went in to each one.
Heidi Miller/ aka Emily Hemmings Mom
So I hope this doesn't put you in a hard spot competing against my mom for the trivet, but I am going to do it anyway. One My favorite christmas decorations is a set of elf ornaments. I got them from my grandmother and she used to use them on her tree when my Dad was little. They have to be from the 1960's so they are totally retro and kinda funky. They are green and blue so they match the colors of my christmas decor,but not quite the sytle of the rest of my things. But I don't mind I think I need a little retro flair in everything.It's just the way I am.
My favorite Christmas decorations are our ornaments for our tree. We buy a new one every year for the family and then the kids get a new one every year so that someday when they move out on their own they already have 18 ornaments for their home. They are all random but have some special meaning behind them!
My favorite decoration is my nativity sets. They are small and inexpensive, but their signifigance is what is special. My kids favorite is a santa that shimmies down a chimney pole.
My favorite holiday decor is my nativity. I love it and I also love our stockings. my mom made Mark's and mine and I got Claire's online.
My favorite Christmas decoration is my Thomas Kinkade "Glory to the Newborn King" ceramic Christmas tree. It's beautiful and reminds me what we're really celebrating.
I would have to say that my favorite christmas decorations are the hand crochet snoflakes that my Great Great grandmother made. They are so beautiful and delicate! Such a gorgeous touch to our christmas tree! I was lucky enough to know her until I was 13 when she passed away. And we were the last ones lucky enough to get a set of them! most everyone in our family has recieved a set, it is a wonderful way to remember her during the holiday season!
how stinking fun! you are so talented. my favorite holiday decor is the nativity set that my mother has given me-it's the Willow Tree set. I LOVE IT!
Fun! My favorite decoration is actually my mom's...I grew up playing with this lovely wooden nativity. It brings back great memories of arranging all the animals and people so that baby Jesus would be safe.
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