Wednesday, September 23, 2009

On Our Way To Bed

Me: Where do you get to go tomorrow?
Gunnar: grandma's house
Me: nope, try again
Gunnar: to the gym
Me: nope, where do you get to go tomorrow?
Gunnar: on a trip (I haven't officially told him that we are going on a trip next month, he figured it out)
Me: nope, where do you get to go tomorrow?
Gunnar: to the swimming pool
Me: nope, try again
Gunnar: to the hosital
Me: nope, where to we get to go tomorrow?
With this perplexed look as if he has exhausted all of our normal places
Gunnar: mom, you tell me where tomorrow...
It is Heidi's work for two days in a row which rarely happens hence the confusion. He was overly excited.

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