Thursday, November 29, 2007

Happy Birthday to me...yesterday!

Yesterday was my 27th birthday. My favorite season is fall and maybe that is because my birthday falls within that. Anyway, it was actually pretty uneventful. My mom had come by the day before and gave me money to buy clothes. After having Gunnar and no longer fitting into smalls and size 5 jeans, I had to get rid of pretty much all that I had. The rule was that I could not buy any scrapbooking things or things for Gunnar. It had to all be spent on me. I ended up getting two awesome dresses and still have lots of money left over. My dad bought me two office chairs for our home office. We are planning on redoing it and getting my scrapbook things in there soon. I love my chairs. My brother came by and gave me a really neat box full of yummy smelly lotions and things like that. I really like them alot. My sister had made me these great metal leaf wall hanging for the fall sometime ago so I got that early. We really did not have the chance to celebrate because I had Young Woman's for church. We were having YW in Excellence and I was put in charge of conducting the meeting. We are short a counselor and the President was already speaking so they had to have assumed I was the next logical choice, or was it because they wanted to make sure that I was there knowing it was my birthday. :) Whatever the reason, it was a nice night. The Spirit was definately there.

3 clever remarks:

mandbrid said...

Happy Birthday Kristi! Yesterday was my twins birthday also...I forgot yours was on the same day. Hope you had a good one!

Amber H. said...

Happy Birthday Kristi! Yay! I'm glad it was fun for you and how fun that you got to go shopping?!? That is always a fun time! I like the rule about no scrapbooking supplies or kid clothes. Those would be my top two choices right there! You should post some pics of your dresses and everything else!

Anonymous said...

I have been trying to get a hold of you to tell you happy birthday! I will try and remember to give you your present tomorrow at hula lessons. I love you!