Rob was pressured to run the 10k with the others. He really did not want to so we were really proud of him for finishing as well as he did. He is sticking to the 5k after this.
We had my mom, Jeff's mom and brother there as support. It was a lot of fun. Jeff's mom took Gunnar to get a toy car. On they way back, he had his face painted.
He loves getting his face painted.
We also quickly stopped by the jumpy houses.

After the fun, Jeff needed to finish a tile job for our friends and then we headed to Stake Conference for church. Afterwards he had a little party with my family for him. I completely forgot to get pictures but it waas fun. My parents got him an Ipod which he is thrilled with. He would always borrow my mom's and listening to Josh Groban snowboarding just didn't work. He also got a gift card for Itunes. My little sister recently got back from her honeymoon to Hawaii so they bought him specialty cookies and pancake mix. They also bought coconut syrup which sounds SO good. Unfortunately they had it on a carry on and it got confinscated. They just flat out forgot about the rules. Bummer.
Sunday we headed over to Jeff's mom's house for a party. Jeff's little brother's birthday is the 17th so they celebrated together. It was a busy fun weekend and boy are we glad that it is over.
I am thankful for Jeff and the hard work that he puts into our family. He is such a nice, kind guy who is willing to help out anyone in need. He is such a fantastic dad and boy does Gunnar love him. Happy Birthday Jeff!
4 clever remarks:
How neat to run on his birthday, but I am so sorry he had to come over and work that day. You should have let us know. I am glad you had a good rest of the weekend though.
Happy Birthday to Jeff! It looks like you had a fun day! Way to go for Jeff and all to run the 5K!!!!! Have a great week!
Wow. Okay reading your post got me all nervous about running this weekend. Agh! What am I doing?? My time is good, I should do fine, but suddenly I'm freaking a bit.
I Love your new picture on top of your page. You guys all look great! And Gunnar's suit is Awesome!
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