This last weekend, my mom was asked through work to present a class on budgeting for the Smart Women, Smart Money conference in Idaho Falls. She asked if I wanted to go along for the ride. Of course I said yes. Even if it was Idaho Falls, it got me out of town overnight. We got it all arranged with Gunnar Friday afternoon and headed out of town. The conference was paying for her hotel and a rental car, so my upkeep on the trip was very minimal.
We took our time getting there since we had no where else to go for the night. We stopped at a really neat gorge on the way in Malad. Her boss told her about it so we thought that we would also check it out. It was so incredibly neat. The water rushing underneath was really neat. We also noticed an abnormal amount of ladybugs on the bridge. We didn't think anything more until we had to go the bathroom. We went to use the parks restrooms to only find them closed but there were trusty port-o-potties nearby. The ENTIRE park was swarming with ladybugs. They were also everywhere in the potties. Just imagine knats or mosquitos everywhere...well these were ladybugs. It was creeping me out. They were getting in my hair landing anywhere on my body. We had to jump in the car and then chase several around inside to get them out. When we rolled down the windows to let them out, more would try or get inside. It was so bizarre really. No pictures as neither one of us brought a camera.
We ended up rolling into Idaho Falls around 7pm and headed straight to the movie theater. We watched Night in Rodanthe (I think that is the title). It was pretty good but some parts were quite slow. Many people were crying around us but for some reason my mom and I were not feeling it. After that we went to eat and then onto the hotel.
It was the worst night that I have ever slept in a long time. I usually struggle sleeping in hotels but you put my snoring mom in the mix and you have disaster. It was aweful. Jeff and I are really silent sleepers so this was hard. I wanted so badly to shove my head into the couch cushions and put pillows over my head in an attempts to drowned out the noise. Thankfully morning finally arrived and we headed to the conference downstairs.
Sadly the classes at the Idaho Falls conference were about investing. Sad to say but no everyone wanted to learn about investing and all of them were trying to sell their services/products anyway. Everyone was so excited to finally be in a usual class where the speaker was not selling something. It was just straigh up information. It was great to see how enthused everyone was about learning the basics. We heard several times that this class made the entire conference worth it. If you happen to be in the Treasure Valley my mom is available to speak at any function on Budgeting or Understanding Credit. She works for educational part of Debt Reduction Services. All classes are free and she is available to anyone from kids, teens to adults. School groups or church groups. Does not matter. Her information is so useful and practical.
Anyway, that afternoon we headed home. We had a lot of fun together. It was great to get away for the night and spend time with my mom. Thanks mom for inviting me, even if you do snore really bad.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Fun Weekend
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4 clever remarks:
So there is totally a place up on our mountain that is called Ladybug Saddle. THere are thousands of ladybugs just like you are describing! I was totally laughing at the part with the snoring. I am totally the same way. I can't sleep with any noise, so I feel for you not being able to get any! Snoring is the WORST!
Kristi thanks for the info about digital scrapping. I admit I've already checked out your links because I knew you were an awesome scrapper. I will have to check into getting my book printed from one of the sites you have posted. Thanks for the tidbit about printing multiple pages for each kid's album. I just did a page last night that would work for both kids and I didn't even realize it. Now I have a page for each of them. That is so great!!
Wish I would have known you guys were here. I would have liked to see you. Sounds like a relaxing weekend...besides the lack of a good night's sleep.
Sound like you and I couldn't go on a scrapbooking retreat together...I snore some too!
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