Monday, October 20, 2008

Notice Something Wrong?

Going away for the weekend must have really messed me up. It all started Sunday morning when Jeff storms into the bedroom at 8:48am from his early morning meetings wondering if I was going to church. Aaaagh! Church starts at 9am. Gunnar was also still sleeping away. I was so zonked out. I quickly got up, got dressed and threw my hair up into a ponytail. Jeff got Gunnar ready and off we went to church. I seriously just forgot about church.

Church was great. I had to get up during Sacrament meeting to take Gunnar to the bathroom, saw people in the hallway, etc.

I then headed to nursery where I am called as the nursery leader. I was receiving kids from their parents and complimented the way that one of my friend's looked. She looked great! I don't know if that prompted one of my other friends to look at what I was wearing but she noticed that I was wearing two different types of shoes.I will give it to myself, they were at least both black. I just totally had to laugh because the entire morning was just crazy. Another friend said that most people probably didn't notice. I was pretty sure that some probably did but didn't say anything. Thank goodness I am in the nursery and could get away with no shoes. When church was over I just walked out without shoes. I could not believe that I did that. For some reason they didn't even feel different on my feet.

And to top it all off, the nursery was CRAZY! The kids were nutso for some unknown reason. The other leader and I just laughed.

11 clever remarks:

Rachel said...

Good for you! If that happened to me, I would say no, I'm not going, and stay home!

Anonymous said...

That had me laughing really hard. you ding bat

The Hemming's said...

I sm so sorry about the shoe thing.I just thought maybe you had had a weird operation or something on one foot and were unable to where closed toe shoes. But just know we all have days like that.You looked great for only having minutes to get ready! Just wanted to know how lucky I feel to have you as a friend!

Brandon and Katee said...

Oh Kristi, you are so funny! We all do goofy things, even at church!! So glad we can all make each other laugh.

Trenton & Maren said...

This is so hilarious!!! Thanks for sharing!

Shauna said...

That is so dang hilarious. I can't believe you didn't feel the difference--I'm going to tease you for a long time for this one! ha ha! That's funny that you slept in too!

The Woods said...

Oh that it is too funny! Didn't you have to velcro the one?

Kristi M. said...

Both shoes I can just slip on. And for some reason I really could not feel the difference when they really do feel very different. Obviously my head was very far away.

Amber H. said...

LOL! I'm laughing at this post and then at the girl who said she thought you had a foot operation! ROFL! That is too funny! Thanks for a good least you can laugh about it now, right?

mandbrid said...

Really, really funny! Does it make you feel any better that I wore my pants to work inside out one time?? Didn't notice till someone pointed it out.

Brittney said...

Are you sure your not pregnant? You know our brains just aren't the same when were prego! This IS totally hilarious!!