Monday, October 13, 2008

Proposition 8

A lot has been going around about Proposition 8 that is on the ballot in California. Recently, LDS church members have been asked in our area to give of their time by being part of a call center. The call center, being set up by the church, will be calling all voters in California about this proposition. The intent is not to tell them how to vote but to make them aware of what the proposition is saying. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has been asked to be part of a coalition of a bunch of other churches and organizations that are in support of the proposition. This is such a BIG deal as it can affect the church (and others) in so many ways. Same-sex couples are beginning to challenge religious organizations and this is where it is becoming a big civil issue. Many view it as just an issue about the definition of marriage but it goes much deeper than that.

Here are several articles to read from the church website: this letter was issued to the members in California. Sad to think that citizens in the state overwhelmingly upheld traditional marriage but 4 Supreme Court judges were able to change that. Now here the issue is again. The article is great, The Divine Institution of Marriage. This article from NPR is fantastic, giving real life situations where this has become such a big issue everywhere, right down to a wedding photographer. If this proposition fails it would require Bishops to perform same-sex marriages. If a Bishop refuses, it would then open the church (and others) up to all sorts of lawsuits. The church website also had another article from the Los Angeles Times that is worth reading.

This issue is big and could potentially impact everyone, not just those in California. This law would allow the government to impact religion greatly. What would be next...laws defining who could be baptized, confirmed, etc.

Check out these two websites about the coalition and Proposition 8. is the official website. is a site geared more to the younger voters (18-34). It is still really good. The Issue button near the top really breaks down the many aspects of this proposition.

If you are in California, you need to vote YES on 8. If you are elsewhere and asked to help in these efforts, time needs to be made. This issue is very important wherever you may be living. It just makes me sick to think how Satan is trying everything he can to attack the family. I really like the last line in The Family: A Proclamation to the World: "We call upon responsible citizens and officers of government everywhere to promote those measures designed to maintain and strengthen the family as the fundamental unit of society”. This is exactly what we are called to do at this moment in time.

4 clever remarks:

Rachel said...

Excellent! Derek and I will be in a call center.

HDH. said...

Just googled this topic for our FHE lesson tonight; that's how I found your blog. Thanks for your links, and for your viewpoint in general.

Amber H. said...

Amen! I really hope people will realize the severity of what is going on! We have a similar prop going on here in AZ and they are doing the same thing. I think we are all praying it will end in our favor!

The Elders said...

Hey Kristi! Cool info there. i had to get Claire from nursery when they were reading this in Relief Society. So i'm glad that you wrote all these details. These next few weeks are going to be interesting.