It is not often that a really great deal comes along. One that includes a longer shelf life, protein and greater for longer term food storage. The Starkist tuna deal is awesome if you can find the coupons. One of the Albertsons closest to me had lots of coupons. Two other Albertsons did not have them in sight. This is how it works:
Buy 10 pouches of chunk light Starkist tuna for $12.50. Just for buying 10, you automatically get $5 off making it $7.50. If you can find them, there is a coupon for $1.50 when you buy 3 at a time. So you would want to use 3 of these coupons for the one transaction. When 10 pouches are rung in, the catalina machine starts going nuts with printouts. It spits out $1 catalinas for every 5 pouches that you buy. So you end up with 2 $1 catalinas and a $2.50/10 coupon as well. I bought my first ten for $3.45 then bought my next ten and used the $2 catalinas bringing the total to $1.45.
I really wanted more tuna. This stuff lasts a while and we love tuna. So I headed back out to the old school Albertsons and wanted to buy 40 pouches. I had everything ready and explained to the checker that I wanted to do 4 seperate transactions. She scanned the 10 and then wondered if we scanned 10 more if it would print more catalinas. Sure enough it did. So she scanned them all in, used the manufacturer coupons and the $8 in catalinas at the same time. She said that I was lucky that I got the lazy checker. She made me laugh. So this is what it looked like:
40 pouches @ $1.25 = $50
minus $8 in catalinas at register
minus $18 manufacturer coupons
minus $20 instant Epic sale savings
minus $13.92 from preferred card savings
I also bought a gallon of milk with the awesome any brand $.75 off coupon and doubled it:
1 gallon milk @ $1.67
minus $.75 manufacturer coupon
minus doubler ($.75)making the gallon $.17
Grand Total with tax: $6.03
I still have 2 $1 catalinas that I could have used here to make it cheaper. I will just have to use them later. And did you know that you can use a doubler on the catalinas? Now that is pretty cool. I also took the little tuna boxes from the shelf for my own food storage purposes. They keep the pouches nice and neat of the shelf.

Buy 10 Easy Mac cups at $10/10. Save $5 instantly for buying 10. Near the cups, there are coupons for $55/2. Use five of these and two doublers from the paper. This makes 10 Easy Mac cups for $1.39 including tax. Now that is a sweet deal as well.
The best part of all of this is that I am paying way less for food and earning cents off of a gallon of gas at the same time. I currently have $.45 off per gallon of gas. I averaged about 80-90% savings today and that makes me happy.
3 clever remarks:
Food Storage. That has been out of my head for over a year now. We had to slowly use ours up once we knew we were moving to Europe. And now we don't have any space and weren't even staying a year so couldn't build any here! So it will be a new start once we get home. Never thought of Mac-n-Cheese for it. Or fish. Good ideas.
I really want to learn more about this coupon thing...I've heard a lot about it but never tried. Where would I start?
So happy I got my load of I just have to organize my brain in coupon mode.
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