Tuesday, March 8, 2011

President's Day

Jeff had the day off and he was so determined to go on an adventure. Somewhere for sledding (with no snow really around) or maybe a hike. According to Jeff, I don't like to walk off the pavement. As in I really don't like hiking. Pretty true. Anyway, we headed to Jump Creek passed Marsing a little to explore. Jeff has been there on scouting trips and thought it would be a fun little hike. Brent put too much gas in my parent's car so he said we should take it, it allowed us to take the dog. Our Passat is a pretty tight fit with two boys and the dog crammed in the middle. Diesel was over the moon excited to be going anywhere with us.
There was a firepit with wood by it so we made a little fire while we ate lunch. All this time Diesel was having the best time running around. The creek was just behind us and he was loving the water. Totally expected from a retriever.
Let me explain Gunnar's attire real quick. He looked ghetto. Totally ghetto. He insisted on wearing the sweatpants. The only sweatpants he owns. I am not one of those mothers that has a pair of sweatpants for their children every day of the week. He also wore his Toy Story shirt. Then Mindy and Rillz were over the day before and gave him a hawaiian outfit from their latest trip over there so he insisted on wearing that over the other shirt. Then he wore his coat and snowboots. Oh boy.
Brecken and Gunnar are just slightly off on seasons. Just enough that we will miss wearing some of the cute things that I have. One such item are these super cute mini snowboots. They are adorable and small. I stuck them on him along with his winter coat that he wore this one time. He had a lot of fun being out and about.
We hiked to the waterfall. The 'hike' was a nice walk on a trail, crossing over the creek several times. It was fun! It was good for the dog and good for all of us. Gunnar had a blast checking out the place.
Jeff was still set on sledding. Oh brother...there was literally hardly any snow. The only snow available was on the other side of the creek. They hiked way up the side of the hill to sled. My camera is at full zoom and they still appeared so small. That is because they were way up there!
It was a nice day and we had a lot of fun. When it warms up again, we will definately be out more.

1 clever remarks:

HeidiT said...

Gunnar talked about that FOREVER, still does in fact. You made great memories for your little adventurer :) Although, by the way he talked about it, I thought that you guys were in like 2 feet of snow!