Friday, July 15, 2011

5 Year Olds are Crazy!

Gunnar is an emotional wreck. The kid is driving me bonkers. Is this what 5 year olds do? If so I am not a fan. About every other second he is having a meltdown. Full blown meltdown. Everything is just about the way he does not want it to be. And he screams and yells expecting his way. Just like right now. I left this post for about 5 or so minutes to say prayers with Gunnar. I asked him to kneel down to be respectful as he says his prayer. He proceeded to complain and whine and pretend cry his way through the entire prayer. Oh brother. He is also so mean to his brother that sadly idolizes him right now. He will intentionally walk by him and completely knock him down. He does this time and time again despite punishment. i'm going nuts!

We have a little over a month until school starts and I am SO excited!! I am ready and I am pretty sure he is ready. About 2 weeks ago, the board voted for full day kindergarten 5 days a week. I am way excited! It was made known at a meet your teacher night. The kindergarten teachers were both out of town but another teacher stepped in to share the news and more about kindergarten in general. Oh man, you should have seen the mom next to me. When she found out she went on and on about how sad she was. They moved not long ago to Caldwell from Florida where they had all day kindergarten. She was so excited that her "baby" was going to be going half days and that she would have her home more. All the while she is seriously hugging her poor daughter in a death grip. The lady kindly told her that some parents are really excited and some are like her. She was welcome to talk to the principle (as she pointed to her direction) to discuss the options. I immediately told the teacher lady that I am like the parents that are super excited about it. I wanted her and that mom to know that I was not thinking the other way. I kept thinking in my head that if she seriously had a problem with it, her option would be to pull her child out and go to another public school in the school district. Heritage is a charter school so she has the option of going somewhere else that actually does part days. There's options people and I bet there are other families on a waiting list that would love to take your spot. It was driving me nuts. Jeff eventually said, "Let's get out of here. These mom's are going crazy and starting to cry over it." One mom told me she wished Heritage did it like another school district nearby. Guess what, they would probably gladly accept your child since so many families from that school are actually enrolled in Heritage. It just amazed me. I wanted Gunnar to come away from that meeting excited and ready for school regardless what was decided. That poor girl that got the full on annoying bear hug from her mom will probably walk away with the sense that her mom is upset and not excited about her school experience already. Kids are watching and can feel it. On another really exciting note, Gunnar got the teacher that I loved. Okay, I never met the other one and I am sure that she is also awesome but I am so stoked that he has Mrs. Huttleston. She had been teaching in a nearby school district prior to this school for 20 some odd years. She got to the point where she was starting to teach her past kindergartners kids after she taught all of their siblings of course. To me that is true dedication and love for your students and job. I am so excited! We also were given a tentative schedule for the day. They are going to heavily incorporate spanish from the start of school until about 1pm or so. Crazy! I am so excited for Gunnar to learn spanish. He always walks around speaking jibberish and telling us that it is spanish. Oh boy.

The only thing that I am concerned about is that he will be missing 8 days of school a month in as we head to the islands. With half days, I really didn't care but with full days. Oh my, this could get a little crazy. I hope she sends us on our trip with things that he needs to be working on. Eight days is a lot. But the rest of the year, we are homebodies so we should be all good. I would much rather get it out of the way at the beginning then somewhere in the middle or end.

Anyway, five year olds are pills. I had a friend tell me that odd years are by far the hardest. I'm in an odd year...

3 clever remarks:

Elizabeth said...

That's good to know that it is probably a stage because my 5 year older likes to walk by and do something to annoy her siblings...drives me crazy. That is awesome that they are incorporating spanish into his school day. I think if we still lived in Caldwell I would have tried to send my daughter to Heritage too.

The Woods said...

Fair warning: Over in Middleton, Lorrie's daughter had to do the full day kindergarten thing 2 or 3 days a week and she hated it. By 6 o clock her daughter was so tired and unreasonable. I think it's better for kids to ease into the whole school thing by doing it in half days. Full days are too much for 5 year olds. Hopefully, Gunnar does good.

HeidiT said...

I think it will be great for Gunnar. He's so used to coming with me for a full day, usually for up to 9 hrs, and he does great. He'll love it - and I can't wait for him to start teaching me Spanish, haha.