Gunnar is now potty trained. Holy Smoly this was a long rode. I tried and tried to get him to do it way to long ago. About 1.5 years ago. After way to many pullups later, he finally decided that he was going to go poop on the potty consistantly about 4 days ago. All that it took was him deciding that it was going to be done. That he was going to do it. After that day, he has not looked back. Boy am I so thrilled! He had accidents twice at bedtime but other nights he is perfect. He is quickly learning that he needs to go before bed and then hold it at night.
The entire family is so excited for him. That is how we roll around here. Gunnar is also really excited about it. I have learned that forcing a child to go on your time table is a complete waste of time and money. I was one of those that as soon as Gunnar was remotely interested in the potty, I pushed the issue. A year and a half later here we are. Now that was a waste.
Next time, wait until my child is really ready. Ignore all of the little irritating comments from others as to why he is not trained yet at 3 and move forward with my plan. Mommyhood can be such a rat race. My child is potty trained faster than yours, my child knows their ABC's at 6 months, my child can write their name and read a chapter book at 2 years. It gets old. No point in comparing. Each child goes about life at their own pace.
I just know right now I am basking in the joy of no more poopy pullups and more money in my pocket.

Next time, wait until my child is really ready. Ignore all of the little irritating comments from others as to why he is not trained yet at 3 and move forward with my plan. Mommyhood can be such a rat race. My child is potty trained faster than yours, my child knows their ABC's at 6 months, my child can write their name and read a chapter book at 2 years. It gets old. No point in comparing. Each child goes about life at their own pace.
I just know right now I am basking in the joy of no more poopy pullups and more money in my pocket.
11 clever remarks:
Congratulations! We are in the process of that right now, and so far it hasn't been easy. I know what you mean about the rat race. My daughter is pretty tall for her age so people think she is older than she is. So I get that all the time and it drives me crazy.
That's AWESOME! I know I don't completely understand...but I can imagine that it is pretty crappy (no pun intended) to have to deal with poopy pants all the time. I am way happy for you guys!!!!!!!
Hooray for Gunnar and hooray for you!
Yay for Gunnar being totally potty trained. I love your insights about pushing your child before their ready. I know a lot of people who are already training and their kids are only 2 and boys! I hate all the comparing too. Kids definitely have their own pace that's for sure.
Yeah! I'm so happy for you all! That is wonderful news to share! I'm sure you are so happy! Hope life is wonderful for you!
Congrats! I totally agree - wait until they're ready.
Guess what Kristi? My sloooooooooow potty trained kids have turned into just as capable adults as my fast potty trained kids. Same goes for bed wetting. Don't ever sweat the small stuff, it just isn't worth it. Keep turning a deaf ear to the critics.
Aunt Pen
I'm excited for you! Yay for no more accidents! And I am so with you on not pushing your kids into stuff. My twins were 3 1/2 and Felicity was almost 4. We were patient and waited until they were ready, and all of them were potty trained in a day with almost zero accidents. It totally makes a difference! Yay Gunnar!
Yayyy! I am so happy for you that he is potty trained. That is definitely a great feeling knowing you don't have to buy diapers anymore.
Hooray, hooray!!!! Cute undies!!!
Good for you! I am...right we speak...potty training my Anna. I'm hoping that with solid work for a few days she'll take to it! Any pointers?
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